Taska Cleveland
Interior Designer
What types of books are you drawn to?
My tastes and interests vary, so whatever seems interesting at the moment. I am drawn to anything that portrays an outsider's perspective. I like stories that challenge conventional thought and I am not afraid of being offended.
I also like to juggle a few different types of books at once. At the moment I’m reading an Elvis conspiracy book and a book on Japanese spas.
How does interior design use narrative? Is story important to design?
Story can be very important. I start every project researching historical references and constructing a narrative for the space. A narrative can inject itself specifically to the site and help to formulate design decisions. The narrative can be expressed through subtle nuances. It is often through the details that the story of each space develops.
When did you discover your love for reading? How did it happen?
I found my love for reading in a funny, dark place. I was having an existential crisis at the age of 13, like most teenagers, and found comfort in Nietzsche and Camus. Through philosophy I dove into all types of literature and discovered my desire for off the cuff stories.
What’s currently on your playlist?
Taska Cleveland is a Senior Interior Designer at Studio Shamshiri and currently living in Los Angeles.
Photography by Megan Mack
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